All the news

Congratulations Dr. Aurélie Richard

Congratulations Dr. Aurélie Richard

Congratulations to Dr. Aurélie Richard, who spent four and a half years in the team during her second year of a master's degree and her PhD.Aurélie has worked very hard over all these years and deserves her new PhD title, earned after her thesis defense on November...

Thomas Graf seminar – December 4, 2023

Thomas Graf seminar – December 4, 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023, at 10:00 am Thomas Graf CRG, BarcelonaInvited by Pierre-Antoine Defossez “Mechanisms of cell fate conversions” The seminar will take place on Zoom only: Contact:...

Yoichi Shinkai seminar – November 22, 2023

Yoichi Shinkai seminar – November 22, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at 11:00 am Yoichi Shinkai RIKEN Saitama, JapanInvited by Pierre-Antoine Defossez “Lysine methyltransferase EHMT1/GLP (Ehmt1) heterozygous KO mice as a Kleefstra syndrome model: challenging the onset mechanism and developing therapeutic...

We celebrated Science in October

We celebrated Science in October

Every October, we celebrate science through the "Fête de la Science", a popular public event that celebrates science, technology and innovation. It is open to all and helps promote the sharing of knowledge. This year, our Centre was involved in two visits. Our...

Jacques Côté seminar – October 17, 2023

Jacques Côté seminar – October 17, 2023

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023, at 11:00 am Jacques Côté CHU de Québec/Université Laval, CanadaInvited by Sophie Polo and Claire Rougeulle “MYST-family chromatin modifying complexes in genome expression/stability and disease” The seminar will take place in the Institut...

Welcome to the team !

Welcome to the team !

Today we are welcoming three new members in the team. From left to right : Camille (PhD student), Marisol (PhD student) and Julia (engineer). Camille will work on the SMYD project while Marisol and Julia will work on the host-parasite interactions project. Read more

New pre-print about ZBTB24

New pre-print about ZBTB24

Congratulations on the new work "ZBTB24 is a conserved multifaceted transcription factor at genes and centromeres that governs the DNA methylation state and expression of satellite repeats" by Grillo et al. shared on bioRxiv.   Read here:...