Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 11:00 am

Jean-Christophe Andrau

IGMM, Montpellier
Invited by Pierre-Antoine Defossez

“Secondary DNA structures contribute to promoter activity as nucleosome exclusion modules”

The seminar will take place in the Institut Jacques Monod seminar room (RB-18B). Buffon building, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris 13th.

Zoom link for remote attendees:



Relevant publications from the speaker:

RNA polymerase II CTD is dispensable for transcription and required for termination in human cells.
Yahia Y, Pigeot A, El Aabidine AZ, Shah N, Karasu N, Forné I, Krebs S, Blum H, Esnault C, Sexton T, Imhof A, Eick D, Andrau JC. EMBO Rep. 2023 Sep 6;24(9):e56150. doi: 10.15252/embr.202256150. Epub 2023 Jul 10

G4access identifies G-quadruplexes and their associations with open chromatin and imprinting control regions.
Esnault C, Magat T, Zine El Aabidine A, Garcia-Oliver E, Cucchiarini A, Bouchouika S, Lleres D, Goerke L, Luo Y, Verga D, Lacroix L, Feil R, Spicuglia S, Mergny JL, Andrau JC. Nat Genet. 2023 Aug;55(8):1359-1369. doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01437-4. Epub 2023 Jul 3.

Alternative Enhancer Usage and Targeted Polycomb Marking Hallmark Promoter Choice during T Cell Differentiation.
Maqbool MA, Pioger L, El Aabidine AZ, Karasu N, Molitor AM, Dao LTM, Charbonnier G, van Laethem F, Fenouil R, Koch F, Lacaud G, Gut I, Gut M, Amigorena S, Joffre O, Sexton T, Spicuglia S, Andrau JC. Cell Rep. 2020 Aug 18;32(7):108048. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108048.


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Welcome Caroline to our team!

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