All the news

Congratulations to Emmanuelle !
Last week, Emmanuelle Ceddaha, one of our PhD student, defended her pharmacy thesis. It was a great presentation which not only earned her the congratulations of the jury, but also the distinction of ‘very good’ (and the unofficial distinction of ‘excellent’) for her...

Happy Birthday EDC !
On 8 October 2024, our unit celebrated it's 15th anniversary but also 15 years of scientific and technical advances.It was a great day, both scientifically and humanly. From left to right : Ariane, Jérémy, Charles, Emmanuelle, Jonathan, Camille (front), Angélique,...

EDC15: Fifteen Years of Epigenetics and Cell Fate
The Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center celebrates its fifteen years of existence on October 8, 2024. Come, and join us for this special day! This conference will look back on 15 years of scientific advances in the fields of epigenetics and cellular differentiation in...

2024 Young Scientists Day
It’s time to create our own network! The 27th of June young scientists from BFA (Biologie Fonctionelle Adaptative), IJM (Institut Jacques Monod) and us (EDC) will meet to share amazing science and create the foundations of future collaborations...

Call for new Research Group Leaders
The Epigenetics and Cell Fate Centre is seeking to recruit two talented junior and/or senior group leaders.Download the call (.pdf) Download the application form (.doc) The Epigenetics and Cell Fate Centre is a leading institute exploring cell identity and...

Congratulations Dr Carrillo
Congratulations to Léo who defended his thesis work on " Exploring the link between X chromosome inactivation and the development of human extraembryonic tissues " . © Rougeulle team À lire aussi

Review on the chromatin-based regulation of genome maintenance
A review from our research group is out for publication in DNA Repair as part of the special issue "Cutting-Edge Perspectives in Genome Maintenance". This review presents our current knowledge on the contribution of pre-existing and DNA damage-induced chromatin marks...

Elphège Nora seminar – June 19, 2024
Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 11:00 am. Elphège Nora UCSF, San FranciscoInvited by Claire Rougeulle “Molecular mechanisms of chromosome folding and enhancer wiring” The seminar will take place in the Institut Jacques Monod seminar room (RB-18B). Buffon building, 15 rue...

Article: XIST dampens X chromosome activity in a SPEN-dependent manner during early human development
Our latest work carried out by Alfeghaly C. et al. elucidating the mechanism of dampening of X-linked gene expression during pre-implantation development. To discover the role of the long non-coding RNA XIST and its particular partner SPEN click on the link: Nature...

Summer School on Artificial Intelligence in Biology and Genetics
Souhila Medjkane is organizing the Summer School "How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Biology and Genetics" on July 9-11, 2024. Université Paris Cité, Grands Moulins campus © Université Paris Cité The workshop will take place in Fontainebleau on July...

4th year PhD fellowships to Giulia and Margherita
Congratulations to Giulia Giacomini and Margherita Mori for obtaining 4th year PhD fellowships from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) and la Ligue contre le Cancer. Giulia Giacomini (left) and Margherita Mori (right) © Eliane Petit À lire...

Elisa Bergamin seminar – June 5, 2024
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 11:00 am. Elisa Bergamin IGBMC, StrasbourgInvited by Sophie Polo “Structural and functional studies of mammalian SWI/SNF in health and disease” The seminar will take place in the Institut Jacques Monod seminar room (RB-18B). Buffon...