Pierre-Antoine Defossez extended an invitation to Dr Yoichi Shinkai, leader of the “Cellular Memory Laboratory” at the RIKEN Institute and associate professor at Saitama University, Japan. Thanks to Université Paris Cité and the Labex Who Am I? support, we welcome him to our Center for three months!

Yoichi Shinkai’s inaugural seminar

September 18, 2023, “Histone modifications in genome regulation”, in the Buffon amphitheatre, Grands Moulins Campus, Université Paris Cité.

© Valérie Drouet

Yoichi Shinkai joins Pierre-Antoine Defossez’s group, from September 1 to November 23, 2023. Yoichi and Pierre-Antoine work together on a project called “Functional screenings for research in epigenetics”.

Four talks by Dr Shinkai are planned:

  • Monday, September 18, 2023, Epigenetics and Cell Fate Centre
    “Histone modifications in genome regulation”
    More information
  • Tuesday, October 3, 2023, seminar series by the MEG and EUR GENE
    “Epigenetics in biological activities”
    More information
  • Friday, October 20, 2023, Institut Jacques Monod
    “Biology of histidine methylation”
    More information
  • Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Epigenetics and Cell Fate Centre
    “Lysine methyltransferase EHMT1/GLP (Ehmt1) heterozygous KO mice as a Kleefstra syndrome model: challenging the onset mechanism and developing therapeutic strategies”
    More information

We hope that the scientific discussions will be fruitful!

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