The majority of the platform’s equipment is accessible after training, however some of it can only be used by the platform’s staff.

The platform’s equipment
They are allowed for the quantification, the quality control, the preparation and the analysis of DNA and RNA samples.
© Laure Ferry
Quantification and quality control
UV Spectrophotometer and fluorometer – DS11-FX – DeNovix
- Quality control and quantification of DNA and RNA, quickly and in a small volume.
- Free access.
Fluorometer – QuBit 2.0 – Life Technologies
- Quantification of DNA and RNA, quickly and in a small volume.
- Free access.
Microcapillary Electrophoresis – Bioanalyzer 2100 – Agilent
- Quality control of DNA and RNA, quickly and in a small volume.
- Free access on reservation after training. Users supply consumables.
Automated Electrophoresis – TapeStation 2200 – Agilent
- Quality control of DNA and RNA, quickly and in a small volume.
- Free access on reservation after training. Users supply consumables.
Samples preparation
Pipetting robot – EVO 100 – Tecan
- Automated set up of qPCR 384 and 96 well plates.
- Free access on reservation after training. Users supply consumables.
Sonicator – Bioruptor Pico – Diagenode
- Temperature controlled sonication of DNA and chromatin samples.
- Free access on reservation after training. Consumables are supplied by users
QIAcube – Qiagen
- QIAcube uses advanced technology to process QIAGEN spin columns, enabling seamless integration of automated, low-throughput sample prep into the laboratory workflow.
- Free access on reservation after training. Consumables are supplied by users
Automated system – IP-Star – Diagenode
- Automated instrument that standardizes different epigenetic applications such as Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP),Methylated DNA(MeDIP) and NGS library preparation.
- Restricted access
Automated system – KingFisher APEX – ThermoFisher
- Automatisation of DNA or RNA extraction, protein and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) protocols.
- Free access on reservation after training. Consumables are supplied by users.
Quantitative PCR – Viia7 – Applied Biosystems
- qPCR machine, 384 et 96 wells plate accommodation.
- Free access on reservation after training.
Quantitative PCR – QuantSudio 6 Pro – Applied Biosystems
- qPCR machine, 384 et 96 wells plate accommodation.
- Free access on reservation after training.
Quantitative PCR – 7500 Fast – Applied Biosystems
- qPCR machine, 96 wells plate accommodation.
- Free access on reservation after training.
Quantitative PCR – LightCycler 480 II – Roche
- qPCR machine, 384 et 96 wells plate accommodation.
- Free access on reservation after training.
Pyrosequencer – PyroMark Q24 Advanced – Qiagen
- PyroMark Q24 Advanced features advanced technology, software, and chemistry, and is highly suited for analyzing any kind of sequence variation, particularly DNA methylation at CpG or CpN sites, complex mutations, or for de novo sequencing applications such as microbial typing.
- Free access on reservation after training. Consumables are supplied by users.
Pyrosequencer – PyroMark Q48 Autoprep – Qiagen
- PyroMark Q48 Autoprep for automated Pyrosequencing with integrated template preparation for advanced methylation, mutation and SNP quantification.
- Restricted access.
MinION – Oxford Nanopore Technology
- Real-time long read sequencing of DNA or RNA, and possible analysis of the modified base.
- Restricted access.
Read more

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