Gabrielle is our new M2 student.
She will work on immune-related host genes dowregulated by Theileria parasites.

Welcome in the team Gabrielle !


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Welcome to Emmanuelle !

Welcome to Emmanuelle !

Today, we welcome a new member to the team: Emmanuelle, a PhD student funded by the Ligue contre le Cancer.Emmanuelle will be working with Souhila to develop clinically applied tools based on our discovery of how methylation regulates cell division.Read more

Congratulations Dr. Aurélie Richard

Congratulations Dr. Aurélie Richard

Congratulations to Dr. Aurélie Richard, who spent four and a half years in the team during her second year of a master's degree and her PhD.Aurélie has worked very hard over all these years and deserves her new PhD title, earned after her thesis defense on November...