Join us
We are always looking for talented and motivated people to join our center. Please, feel free to contact the team leaders if you are interested.
Our job offers
- Contact the team leaders for non-advertised opportunities
Previous job offers
- Post-doctoral fellow in epigenome integrity
Polo group - Financial and accounting management assistant (3rd entry in competition N° 259)
Administrative service
Application deadline: July 10, 2024 - Post-doctoral fellow in epigenome integrity
Polo group - Financial and administrative management assistant
Administrative service
Application deadline: March 1, 2024 - Engineer in cellular and molecular biology
Rougeulle group
Application deadline: February 12, 2024 - Post-doctoral fellow in molecular biology and epigenetics
Defossez group
Application deadline: February 7, 2024 - Bioinformatics engineer
Rougeulle group
Application deadline: September 3, 2023 - ATER (temporary research and teaching assistant) in Cellular Biology
Weitzman group, contact Souhila Medjkane
Application deadline: April 11, 2023 - Post-doctoral fellow (M/F): Host-pathogen interactions
Weitzman group
Application deadline: March 16, 2023 - Research assistant in biological experimentation and instrumentation
Ait-Si-Ali group
Application deadline: February 2, 2023
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New research article on how chromatin marking governs DNA damage segregation in mitosis
In this paper, we uncover a damaged chromatin marking mechanism that drives the non-random segregation of UV damage through mitosis with potential consequences on daughter cell fate. Thus, we reveal that chromatin alterations impinge on genome stability not only by...

Welcome to Julia
Julia Roche Dupuy joined the lab for her second year Master's internship. Julia Roche Dupuy Second year Master's student À lire aussi

Welcome Caroline to our team!
We're excited to have Caroline joining Dr. Ait-si-Ali's team! She comes to us as an M2 student from the GENE2 master's program at Université Paris-Saclay. Working with Dr. Guillaume Velasco, Caroline will study the regulation of nuclear stiffness by H3K9...

Welcome Minh to Slimane Ait-si-ali’s team!
We are delighted to welcome Mynh, an M2 student from the GENE2 master's program at Université Paris-Saclay, to Dr. Ait-si-Ali's team. Mynh will be investigating the role of SETDB1 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotype development.