Myriame Mohamed
Technician | Common Facilities manager (CNRS)
Myriame Mohamed joined the “Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center” in 2010, following an external CNRS competition that she succed while studying “Biology and Chemistry” at the University of Créteil (UPEC). While she got this position, she then pursued her studies in “Biology and Biochemistry” at the “University Paris Diderot”, which has since become “Université Paris Cité”
She is then in charge of various common facilities for the unit, that she will develop and diversify over the years with the support of an EPHE (École pratique des Hautes Études) degree in “Life and Earth Sciences” that she pursues in parallel with her other activities in the unit.
This diploma prepared during 4 years, and defended in 2018, allowed her to participate in a project aiming at characterizing neuromorphological defects in mutant HSF2 mice with Valérie Mezger’s team. She then specialised in various histological techniques which enabled her to develop the EpHISTain histological platform to assist teams in the tissue and cellular phenotyping of their models.