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Audrey Chansard

Research assistant | EPI2 Imaging Platform (CNRS)


+33 1 57 27 89 81


Audrey obtained her European Master’s degree in Genetics from Paris VII University in 2013. Her Master’s work under the direction of Dr Papamichos Chronakis focused on the function of the chromatin remodeler INO80 in facilitating the release of RNA polymerase II from chromatin. Audrey then obtained a second Master’s degree in microbiology and bioengineering in 2015, spending two years at the Imaging Platform of the Pasteur Institute developing high-throughput microscopy for the LabEX Milieu intérieur. She joined Sophie Polo’s group in August 2017 to investigate the mechanisms for heterochromatin maintenance in response to UVC damage in mammalian cells. In 2021, she obtained a permanent research assistant position from the CNRS to set up and operate high-content microscopy in the EPI2 Imaging platform of the unit.


  • Chansard A.*, Pobega E.*, Caron P., Polo S.E. Imaging the response to DNA damage in heterochromatin domains. Front Cell Dev Biol, 10: 920267, 2022. *: equal contribution
  • Fortuny A., Chansard A., Caron P., Chevallier O., Leroy O., Renaud O., Polo S.E. Imaging the response to DNA damage in heterochromatin domains reveals core principles of heterochromatin maintenance. Nat Commun, 12:2428, 2021